Sunday, September 15, 2024

Classic JE Labs HiFi in Manila

This was how the attic looked when we left in early 2017. Our first visit since then was in March this year. 

Every time I hear and read about people complaining about the US economy and inflation, I always view the big picture just to remind myself how much better life is here compared to many other places in the world.

A basic commodity like electricity is significantly costlier in the Philippines with a GDP that's roughly 4.7% of the US GDP. To conserve energy, during our visit, I decided to move the hifi set up to a smaller room rather than try to cool 600 square feet of attic space with a 15 foot ceiling at its apex.

I was surprised the moment I turned on the Thorens TD124-II. The motor drove the platter up to speed within a couple of seconds! No tweaking, oiling, or adjustments were needed. All I had to do was balance and mount the Denon DL103 to the SME 3012 + a conical tipped Audio Technica to the ATP12T at the back.

I slowly fired up my classic octal preamp (6SL7+6SN7, built ca. early 90s) and the Radiotron SE2A3 amp with a Variac. The LCR power supply caps charged up nicely. 👍

Scope jockeying the Radiotron SE2A3 amp I built over two decades ago

I was perfectly happy with the Altec 755Es in the classic slanted front 618 2cf boxes and listened mostly without top end reinforcement from the Altec 32C horns + Renkus-Heinz SSD1800s. I've always thought the 755E was just like a 755C with just a tad less soul. 

Although the 618 has a tinge of boxy coloration, like my SFB3/Stereo Sound inspired open baffle, the wide baffle area makes the 755 drivers sound bigger than they actually are. That's the main advantage of these two alternative 755 loading schemes over the neutral and modern monitor-sounding Dr. Bae/Silbatone cabinets.

After decades of tinkering and building different circuits, speakers, cartridges, etc. I've learned that many times what we perceive as an upgrade is actually just a different flavor and merely a lateral move. Hifi is like food - our taste buds can only take so much of fine cuisine + wine. There'll be moments when pizza and beer satisfy the palate just as well.

What I missed the most was my LP and CD collection in the man cave!

It's all about the music folks!😊

Gotta get back to cataloging my LP and CD collection...😉


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