Showing posts with label TD124. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TD124. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

Minimalist Twin-Armed Thorens TD124

Ever since I left this twin-tonearm compatible TD124 plinth in the attic, I've been trying to find the simplest way to use two tonearms on this turntable.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Cork Turntable Mat


 Rubber hardens as it ages and this is exactly what happened to the rubber mats originally supplied with my Garrard 301, 401, Thorens TD124 and other turntables. I'm aware that modern reproductions are available, but I wanted something more affordable and practical. So I surfed and found a 3-pack cork mat with an LP label indentation for $12 on Amazon.

Does this mat make the sound better?🤔 Hmm...frequent visitors to this blog know better that after several decades in this hobby, I've grown averse to typical audiophile hair-splitting.😉

However, I'm happy to report that a few LPs from my collection which are slightly dished or warped now lie flat. That's good and I like the sound.

Try it and hear for yourself!😊

Happy Spinning!🎻🎷🎶

Friday, June 18, 2021

Thorens TD124 Tips


Cheap and EZ

Neat P58H/Shield MO19

This experiment was inspired by the spring-mounted motor on my Neat P58H.

Realistic MKVIII

Even if the rubber grommets on the MKVIII are still supple and intact, I replaced them with 302 stainless steel compression (1/2" x 0.600") conical springs, Grainger part no. 1NDB4 and heard a significant reduction in noise.

Left = Neat P58H original
Right = 1NDB4

Heck if it works with the Japanese idlers, it should also work with the TD124. So I ordered smaller conical springs from zorotools on eBay for the TD124 and TD124II.

1NCY2 = 5/16" H x 0.48"

Be careful removing/installing the circlips. They can fly across the room, along with expletives.😁

1NCW4 = 1/2" H x 0.48"  

Some may argue that the "springy" motor mount can introduce pitch instability and also, as originally designed, the belt provided ample isolation from motor vibration. The springs are cheap, so let your ears decide.😉

Magnetic vs. Non-magnetic Platter

 TD124 standard platter = heavy "magnetic" iron

used to believe there was negligible sonic difference between the heavy iron platter from the MKI vs. the MKII's non-magnetic platter.

Lighter non-magnetic platter
issued with the TD124II

However, in the intervening years, I've come to realize that the heavy iron platter bestows gravitas to the TD124 design! 

TD124II + heavy iron platter

When I found an older iron platter at a reasonable price, I grabbed it and installed it to my Mark II!

IMHO/IME, as long as one keeps the original aluminum outer subplatter + clutch mechanism intact, the magnetic platter + phono cartridge interface isn't a problem. Ortofon and Thorens were aware of this back in the day and their recommended procedure of setting the VTF as pictured above is still relevant now. I've been using the SPU, DL103 + other phono cartridges on the iron platter for over two decades with no issues.

Let's not go to the light (or no plinth) vs. heavy plinth.


 For maintenance and restoration information, visit The Analog Dept. Thorens TD124 webpage! 👍👏

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Audio Silente parts for the Thorens TD124 + Mk. II

Thorens TD 124 Mk. I + Stax UA3NL

My Thorens TD 124 Mk. I and Mk. II have seen so much action and deserved pampering.

The heavy iron platter created a "dome" on the main bearing end cap of the Mk. I.

Both sides of its original Nylatron thrust pad were dented. So this past weekend I went on eBay and ordered two sets of 6mm bronze end caps that each came with two plastic thrust pads and gaskets, an idler wheel + a few other TD 124 bits from Simone Luchetti of Audio Silente.

Backyard around 11am, 3/7/18

Shipping was swift, the parts were delivered by FedEx from Rome, Italy yesterday morning before the height of the blizzard.

I started work on the main bearing of the Mk. I.

Fit and finish are first rate!

Since the unit was already on the work bench, I cleaned and lubricated the motor also.

Although the original main bearing end cap on the Mk. II was not as dented as the Mk. I, I also replaced it for future generations. 😁

Given the attention to detail Swiss engineers put into the design of the TD 124, that flimsy main bearing end cap was a gross oversight. The finely machined 6mm bronze end cap from Audio Silente definitely adds structural integrity to the main bearing. I also noticed that the platter spins at least twice as long after the motor is shut off = less friction. 

While testing the Audio Silente idler wheel on the bench, I realized that even if the rubber was still supple on my original idler wheels, the bearings were not as silent as the Audio Silente idler, perhaps due to wear. While deciding whether to order another idler wheel from Simone or Oilite bearings from the Spanish guy, we lost power...😞

With about 2 hours left of daylight, I consoled myself by looking at audio porn. 😎

Thorens TD 124 Mk II + Audio Technica AT1501-II

 The idler wheel comes with 3 extra O-rings - 2 red and another black. Because the pre-installed black O-ring already starts faster than my stock idler wheel,  I did not try the red silicon O-ring which is supposed to give an even quicker start.

The Audio Silente idler wheel truly lives up to its company name. I had never been able to bring the performance of my TD 124s to this level of silence.  

Bravo Simone!


 For maintenance and restoration information, visit The Analog Dept. Thorens TD124 webpage!👍👏