Showing posts with label AliExpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AliExpress. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2024

AliEx amorphous, Hashimoto HL20K6 + Sony TamRadio line output transformers

L>R: 6AH4 + AliEx, 12B4A + Sony/Tamradio and 6AH4 + Hashimoto HL20K6

The last time I saw my buddy J-Rob was pre-COVID, but we keep in touch via email and text messages. During one of those hello/how you doin' moments, the chat progressed to line preamp transformers and how the $100/pr. amorphous jobs from AliExpress perform. 

I used to own a pair of Tango/Hirata NP216N nickel line OPTs, which were featured in my Sound Practices issue 17 homebrewer article. In hindsight, I don't think I gave them a fair chance so this was a good opportunity to revisit the topology.