Back in the 90s I used to hang out with
Ding and Jose at Hamfests in the suburbs of Philly. Jose isn't your typical audio nerd who subscribes to the
latest is best mentality. He goes for value for money and although not a DIYer, has an eye and ear for quality design! Even if he has a Technics SP10 + Sumiko MMT turntable combo, most of his listening nowadays is through a high quality pre-bitstream a Denon DCD 1500 and a
stable platter Pioneer PD65.
Having heard that a well designed SE2A3 amp is a synergistic match for his Altec 604-8Gs, he spotted and won this
Chuyu Morikawa designed
Audio Professor SE2A3 amp on eBay. However, the amp had two issues. The input level controls were no longer functioning, and worse, the amp was unstable manifested by extra-musical popping and whistling sounds. Since we're practically neighbors now, I took it home for a check-up.
Under the hood
Beautiful workmanship, typical of a handcrafted amplifier from Japan
After installing a dual ganged 100k Alps audio taper input pot, I realized that the cause of instability was the step down transformer the eBay seller sold with the amp. It was hardly stepping AC down to 100V. During the amp's residency here at JE Labs it was plugged to a General Radio Variac set to 100VAC. It was stable and quiet. Fortunately Jose also has a Variac on stand by, which he acquired during our Hamfest hunting days.
The amp uses 4 x (2 for each channel)
6Z-DH3A, UX-6 based, high-mu triodes as input/driver tubes. This tube is electrically equivalent to an octal based
6SQ7. AFAIK, there are no plug-in compatible US or European equivalents.
The input/driver circuitry is configured in SRPP, very similar to what I did in the
JE Labs SRPP 45/2A3, albeit with textbook operating points.
5 Volts rms to an 8 ohm load at onset of clipping = 3.125W per channel
Luxman SS5B-2.5k OPT
100Hz |
1kHz |
10kHz |
These square waves show that the Luxman SS5B 2.5K primary SE OPTs are of very high quality. Not much information is available on the internet regarding this transformer aside from
completed auctions, but I've encountered this model in schematics and pictures in
Asano's two volume tome on tube amplifiers.
Since Luxman SE OPTs were no longer available during the
Sound Practices era in the 90s, I would date this amplifier to the 80s, at the latest. That's before Cary introduced the 6SL7 SRPP driven 300B or 2A3
AES SE-1 kit amp to the mainstream market.
I built SRPP circuits back in the day, but was never a fan of this topology. However, this amp made me reconsider my stance. Now I'm asking myself - could it be the textbook operating points and/or the 6Z-DH3A input/driver tubes which made this experience memorable?
I truly enjoyed listening to this amp, thanks Jose!