Showing posts with label Hamfests and Radio Shows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamfests and Radio Shows. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Kutztown Radio Show - Spring and Fall 2024

 May 10-11, 2024

I wasn't able to attend any hamfests this season but I made sure I'd be at both events at Kutztown.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Kutztown Radio Show Spring 2023


Tish and I were delighted to have our dear friend Tony, organizer of the annual November Hi-Fi Show event in Manila, as our house guest this past week. Even if he presents the latest in high end audio, his hifi set up is quite eclectic and chosen by ear. It consists of bespoke SE-DHT amps, horn speakers using classic Altec drivers, a grease bearing Garrard 301 + contemporary components for digital streaming and headphone listening. He makes it a point to also feature local DIYers in his annual hifi event by subsidizing their demo rooms. 

Thus, the Kutztown Radio Show is very much his kind of scene too! 

Tubes galore!

From novals (9-pin), directly heated triodes 110-year-old tubes

I'm not familiar with this pair of Hartley speakers.🤔 Interesting, nonetheless!

Presenting the Electro-Voice 30W super woofer and...

...the proud new owner.😉

15" Altec 602A Duplex with an intact cone but burnt out 3000B tweeter😔

Altec Flamenco + a large format 288-8K (K = Ferrite) driver

4 x Russco idler driven turntables + a pair of Altec 511 horns with 808 (802 motor + Symbiotik diaphragm) drivers

A pair of Russcos housed in a mixing console

A belt-driven Rek O Kut

Bogen B61 (Lenco L70) x 2 with original boxes at $200/each

A restored Fairchild Model 530 transcription turntable

A nice McIntosh MR67 tube FM tuner

A very clean McIntosh MC225 PP7591 stereo amplifier 

What's this guy staring at?🤔

Ooooh 😲..that's a Western Electric 86C amplifier.👍👏

Feast your eyes on this Holy Grail! 
(Please disregard the Sovtek 300Bs.😆)

After a long day of digging for tubes, transformers and miscellaneous parts, it was time to refresh and recharge with beer 'n burgers at Kutztown Tavern. 🍻😊

More crate digging, this time for LPs


at Young Ones Records in downtown Kutztown

Instead of heading back directly to the Philly 'burbs...

We took a slight detour to BEK HiFi and Double Decker Records in Allentown PA.

A glimpse of DeVore Fidelity speakers

Lotsa LPs!

Looking forward to the next event. 
Hopefully the rest of the gang can tag along too!🍷

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Kutztown Radio Show September 2022

All pictures taken with a Fuji X-E3 camera + Voigtlander Color-Skopar 35mm f2.5 LTM lens

The early bird...

A pair of Bose 901s with tulip stands!

Nice day to be out of the pavilions.

Acoustic Research AR10𝛑s

Radios are the stars of the show!

But audio is catching up.😊

Radio and hifi catalogs, magazines and other literature

Just like vacuum tubes, phone booths were a common sight in the past.

Lots of vintage tube components!

I can empathize with the person behind these reimagined Dynaco preamps since I used to be a Dynakit hacker in the 80s and 90s.😊

Heath W4, Radio Craftsman FM tuner, Dyna ST70, etc.

Hickok tube tester + a pair of MC40s

Sherwood FM tuners, Heathkit W5, Realistic tube amps, etc.

JBL 4311Bs + Rek O Kut B16 with a Shure M236 tonearm

Altec Santana II - not what I consider a classic.😕

I wish DVHRC also has a winter event!

This was how electronics was taught before the computer era.

Classic cameras are regular guests at radio shows and hamfests. However, this is a rare and unusual 35mm rangefinder camera outfit from the 40s - the Kodak Ektra! As the link explains, it was a very sophisticated design for its time but the shutter was very unreliable. Its Contax and Leica contemporaries were much better!