Thursday, January 23, 2025

Remembering Mommy (1934-2021)

Four years ago, on January 23, 2021, I lost my dearest mom. I vividly remember our last conversation. She was very concerned about the January 6 riot at the Capitol and wanted to be assured that there won't be more violence thereafter. Before we hung up, I promised her that I would call after Joe Biden's inauguration. I never got a chance to speak to her again...

Meditation from Thaïs by Jules Massenet
Joseph Esmilla, violinist
Albert Tiu, pianist

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Graybar Electric Company

The Graybar Building is a landmarked art deco structure on 420 Lexington Ave., NYC. It was once the corporate headquarters of Graybar Electric Company They distributed the Western Electric 755A, 756A, 728B wide range drivers, 753C, 757A studio monitor speakers + more, which inspired projects featured in this blog.

Monday, December 9, 2024

KARMADON 311 Tonearm


In late 2023, Serge Rogozyansky of Karmadon posted his exquisitely crafted Ortofon-inspired 12" tonearm on Facebook. Being an aficionado of bespoked pieces, I was smitten! When I mentioned it to Tish, her immediate reaction was, "You already have too many turntables and tonearms!"😉

Due to an upcoming visit to the Philippines, I had to curb my enthusiasm.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Intact Audio Speaker Autoformer + Lycan3R WP12024 Horn

I ordered the Intact Audio speaker autoformer with a -6dB to -15.5 dB/0.5dB attenuation range based on the fact that my Altec 802 drivers are about 12dB more sensitive than my 99 dB/1W/1M Altec 414A woofers. Other than that, I went into this project hoping that Google would be my friend, only to find out it wasn't!😉

Since I use external crossovers for my Altec 753C, disconnecting (and reconnecting for comparison purposes) the Altec 32C/802 horn/compression driver is a breeze. The 753C-style cabinets essentially serve as bass bins in which the 414A woofers operating in wide range mode (unfiltered) + the 20275 diaphragmed 802 compression drivers mounted on the Lycan3R WP12024 horns are perched on top!

Friday, November 1, 2024

November Hi-Fi Show 2024

 From 2008-2016, I was an annual audio DIY exhibitor and always had a GREAT time!

I highly recommend this event to Philippine-based HiFi enthusiasts!

Visit the November HiFi Show Facebook page for more info!