Thursday, October 18, 2018

November 2018 Hifi Show

To all readers based in Manila, please mark your calendars.

Don't miss a guaranteed good time. 👍👍👍

Here's a preview of what I will miss. 😢

G.I.P. Laboratory + Harana Audio Collaboration

GIP 815 in Harana Audio V-Vent cabinets

Harana Audio Workshop

Suzuki-san inspecting the electronics - Wavelength Audio SE45 with Magnequest Cobalt OPTs driving the horns and SE300B with Tamura Permalloy OPTs driving the bass, signal source = DEQX HPD5

Suzuki-san is listening


Time for lunch!

Oh wait a moment...
let's have some Beethoven Moonlight Sonata as an appetizer 😁

Visit GIP Labs in room 646 and Harana/GIP next door, 647. 
Cheers to Suzuki-san and Joey.🍻

Monday, October 1, 2018

Kutztown Radio Show September 21-22, 2018

All pictures were taken with a Fuji X-E1 camera + Canon 28mm f3.5 LTM lens.

I wasn't able to attend as many hamfests/radio shows this past summer. So I made sure I went to Kutztown.  

This speaker caught my attention as something I've encountered in a vintage magazine in the past. Since there was no one manning the booth, I went on...

A pair of University Lowboys + an EV Aristocrat

Nice Gates CB77, but I couldn't afford it 😞

Belt-driven Rek-O-Kut

Scott 299, LT110B FM tuner, Fisher KX100, etc.

Fisher PP EL84 mono block

My bud Larry always has a live demo set-up.

Sonographe SD-1: mid-80s Philips 14-bit oversampling chassis with twin TDA1540 DACs, audio section tweaked by conrad-johnson, nice piece but check out that asking price 😲

Tubes galore!

I scored a TDA1543 equipped Magnavox CD player from this booth. 

Lots of 70s-80s Hi-Fi equipment 

Used CD prices are at an all-time low 😃

The speaker I spotted earlier kept haunting me. I just had to give it a new home. My gut feel was right - it's a Stewart Hegeman-designed omni-directional speaker. 😎