Friday, February 14, 2020

Fotofox Contax (Kiev) RF to Leica Thread Mount Adapter

While shopping for a Contax RF inner-bayonet type > Sony E/NEX-mount adapter, I came across this Fotofox adapter which claimed RF coupling on Leica Thread Mount (LTM) compatible camera bodies. 

The Good

Canon P + Fotofox CRF + Zeiss Opton Sonnar

At about $60 landed in the USA, the Fotofox is a lot more affordable compared to the more deluxe Amedeo or Kipon equivalents. I'm glad to report that my gamble paid off. My Contax/Kiev RF mount 50mm lenses - Zeiss-Opton SonnarJupiter 8M & Helios 103 - mounted successfully on my Bessa R, Canon P and 7s bodies.

Bessa R + Fotofox CRF  adapter + Jupiter 8M

LTM>M + Fotofox CRF adapter + Helios 103

 By adding an LTM to M adapter, the Fotofox adapter functioned just as well on my Leica M6 below.

Leica M6 + LTM>M + Fotofox CRF adapter + Helios 103

Using the appropriate adapter, the Fotofox also mounted the aforementioned Contax and Kiev 50mm RF lenses to my Fuji X-E3 and Sony A7II.👍

The Bad

Left: Jupiter 12 + Right: Zeiss Sonnar 135mm f4

Sadly, my efforts to make it work with my Kiev RF mount Jupiter 12 and Contax RF mount Zeiss Sonnar 135mm f4, were all in vain. 😔

The Ugly

Zone focusing is out of the question since there's no distance scale and no infinity lock/stop either. 😏

Sample Pics

Canon P + Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50mm f2
Ilford FP4+ in Rodinal 

Canon P + Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50mm f2
Ilford FP4+ in Rodinal 

Canon P + Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50mm f2
Ilford FP4+ in Rodinal 

Bessa R + Helios 103
Ultrafine eXtreme 100 in Rodinal + HC110

Bessa R + Helios 103
Ultrafine eXtreme 100 in Rodinal + HC110

Leica M6 + Jupiter 8M
Fuji Neopan 400 in Kodak HC110

Canon 7s + Helios 103
Ultrafine eXtreme 100 in 
Rodinal + HC110

Canon 7s + Helios 103
Ultrafine eXtreme 100 in 
Rodinal + HC110

Click here for more samples. 

 Is it worth 60 something bucks? Let your eyes decide.😊

Sunday, February 2, 2020

John Piro, Craftsman Extraordinaire!

When John emailed me a picture of his WE753C clone cabinets, I had to have a pair!

JP in the man cave with my freshly minted Altec 753C boxes

JP's System (in constant flux)
Thorens TD124, Marantz 7T, Garrard 301
DIY Stuff
Marantz 8B, REL Precendent
DIY amps
Wharfedale SFB3

Garrard 301 + Karmadon Viscous Damped Tonearm

WIP - Gray Research HF-500 Turntable
Hey JP, are you prepping this for a Schröder BA tonearm? 😎

JP repurposed a WE chassis for his preamp

JP's preamp is based on JE Labs Circuit

JP's Simple 45 amp using James 6113HS OPTs

JP's Stereo SE300B with James 6123HS OPTs visited the man cave,
it's based on the JE Labs circuit

JP's Vintage RCA Collection

RCA Theatre Amps

RCA Theatre Amps

RCA Compression Drivers

RCA Horns

Altec 614 cabinet
by JP

Open Baffle by JP

Open Baffle by JP

JP's handcrafted multi-cell horn made from wood, 
based on the Western Electric WE26A 

REL Precedent 646B with a DIY front faceplate by JP

JP's take on the Dr. Bae/Silbatone 755A cabinet

Unlike my friends in Manila who have reported good things using the Altec 755C in this box, JP prefers the Lafayette SK98/Pioneer PIM8L

If you want to contact John for a commission, please leave a comment with your email address. Your comment will not be published, instead, I will reply with his contact info.

Coming Soon