Thursday, August 22, 2024

Japanese Idler-Driven Turntable Part 7: Kenwood PC350

Kenwood PC350 - a Japanese TD124 spinning a jazz tune!😉

This ca. 1969 Kenwood turntable adapted the Thorens TD124 drive system sans eddy current speed control.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Back to the Future: AR XA + NAD 3020

Whenever I find them at reasonable prices, I re-acquire audio components I owned and enjoyed in the 80s. I started my quest with the Grace G707 tonearm, a TDA1541-equipped Magnavox CDB 473 CD player and the dynakit stereo 35 PP EL84 power amp. I also tried to rekindle my affection for the BBC LS3/5A monitor and my MC SUT collection now includes a pair of Sony HA-T10s. Meanwhile, I've been hunting for an AR XA turntable and a first generation NAD 3020 to complete my journey back in time.

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Visit to VAS Audio - SPU-G, Miyabi & Ikeda


During a recent visit to Steve and Ray at VAS Audio, my attention was caught by an amplifier I built in the early 2000s. This is one of the very few I released into the wild.

Monday, July 8, 2024

AliEx amorphous, Hashimoto HL20K6 + Sony TamRadio line output transformers

L>R: 6AH4 + AliEx, 12B4A + Sony/Tamradio and 6AH4 + Hashimoto HL20K6

The last time I saw my buddy J-Rob was pre-COVID, but we keep in touch via email and text messages. During one of those hello/how you doin' moments, the chat progressed to line preamp transformers and how the $100/pr. amorphous jobs from AliExpress perform. 

I used to own a pair of Tango/Hirata NP216N nickel line OPTs, which were featured in my Sound Practices issue 17 homebrewer article. In hindsight, I don't think I gave them a fair chance so this was a good opportunity to revisit the topology.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Lycan3R WP12024 Horn

A couple of months after I blogged about the 3D printed prototype of the WP12024 horn, Trieu sent a pair of these beautifully finished cast aluminum production versions. Included in the package was a set of parts for a horn stand patterned after the Western Electric original I've only seen in Stereo Sound Tube Kingdom.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Two RCA derived octal phono preamps

Keen-eyed readers and visitors to my YouTube channel may have noticed the two octal phono preamps I've been using in my recent uploads. I built them for the following reasons:
  1. Although the Loctal EAR 834P had no problems driving the Intact Audio nickel autoformers, the 5k Ohm output Z of the Shure M65 phono preamp sounded very anemic.
  2. In the spirit of not leaving stones unturned and my curiosity for other sonic flavors notwithstanding, I looked back to passive RIAA EQ phono circuits I've been wanting to build, which have low enough output impedance to drive an Autoformer Volume Control.