Those were the words of the late Walt Bender in Part II of his Olden Golden Components article in Issue 51 of The Absolute Sound (TAS) in the Winter of 1988. This was my first exposure to Western Electric audio equipment. I eagerly awaited TAS's promised feature of Walt's Western Electric-based audio system but that never materialized. I let my TAS subscription lapse and replaced it with Glass Audio, Sound Practices and Vacuum Tube Valley.
My only encounter with an original WE757A was a single unit being tested on the tailgate of a Honda Civic hatchback at a ham fest in the early 90s. Keep in mind that this speaker system predates the stereo era by at least 10 years, thus, they were never available in stereo pairs.
My only encounter with an original WE757A was a single unit being tested on the tailgate of a Honda Civic hatchback at a ham fest in the early 90s. Keep in mind that this speaker system predates the stereo era by at least 10 years, thus, they were never available in stereo pairs.
In this day and age, the only way a mere mortal can experience a Western Electric WE757A speaker system is to build one using as many of the original parts as one can gather.
This is exactly what John Piro did. He combined a WE/Altec 728B driver with a slightly dented dust cap + the botched up KS12027 he expertly repaired to properly mount an Altec 802D compression driver.
Then he painstakingly cloned and crafted a WE757A cabinet to house these components. Soon after the speaker system was completed, we met at the Kutztown Fall 2019 Radio Show and he entrusted the evaluation of this speaker system to me.
In keeping with JE Labs methods, I started by evaluating the drivers individually and then compared the JP WE757A to my Altec 753C. I was fortunate to have had lots of time to dissect and enjoy the JP WE757A. Thanks, JP!
WE/Altec 728B
When I visited J-Rob in the summer of 2018, I spent quality time listening to his pair of WE728Bs while talking shop. The very rich harmonic overtones they produce captured my attention just like a fine violin does.
Technically speaking, the WE/Altec 728B is neither a woofer nor a full-range. It's a wide-range speaker. The RTA trace shows a seven octave range, which pretty much mirrors the original 60-10,000 kHz specification.
The 728B tonal balance is very much like its smaller brother, the 755A, with an additional octave of extension in the bass and about an octave less extension in the highs. This and the Altec 414A are the only 12"-15" drivers that I've heard (so far) which don't break up in the 1-2kHz range resulting in shouty female vocals, amongst other nasties.
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Dented dustcap |
From the upper bass to upper midrange, the 728B has the J-Rob coined "snap," which it shares with its 755A and 756B siblings. IMHO, these permanent magnet drivers are unparalleled to this day for their life-like midrange and ability to convey a three dimensional realism. OK, perhaps the Western Electric and GIP field coil drivers are even better but as I said earlier, this article is for mere mortals.😉
WE754A vs. WE728B
In the midst of my evaluations, I exchanged private messages with another Western Electric aficionado who's had the rare
opportunity to compare the WE754A and WE728B drivers. He is currently assembling a pair of WE757As.
With his permission, I'm sharing his valuable listening notes. Thanks, Jonas!
Just wanted to let you know what’s going on with my 757 style speakers. I was blessed to find a WE 728B in an old console in pristine condition. I was able to compare the 754A and the 728B and I liked the 728B much more. The 754A has perhaps a bit more lows but a thicker lower midrange, and less detail and dynamics, and not as smooth as 728B. Compared to other speakers they were very smooth, but when I heard the 728B with a complete absence of grain or distortion, the difference was apparent. They sounded great on things like Gerry Mulligans Baritone Sax on Night Lights. The 754A’s are made for that sort of thing and I think those who love thick midrange would really enjoy them. But they also didn’t have quite as much highs, at least to my ears. I ran them full range so it would have been nice to try out different crossovers to see if the 754A would have been better with a lower cut off. Perhaps so.
Anyway, I sold both 754A speakers to a young gentleman from NYC who's uncle is a big WE collector from Korea and it was very cool to meet such an WE enthusiast. The uncle came by to listen to them. He apparently has original 757 speakers among many others and said he uses PX-25 tube LS in his amp. With that money I found a second 728B in similar shape to my other, and they are now installed in the John Piro cabinets.
I do wonder about the differences of the 754A and 728B in the intended applications. The 754A came before the 728B. There is some a lot of talk about it (a bit of ad copy hyperbole but very interesting still) in this issue of Oscillator Magazine, which was put out by Western Electric. Amazing that they put that much time and effort into a trade publication, and to think of what went into the design of these.
It seems they created the 728B as an updated or “improved” version of their 754A. What I’ve heard is that the 754A has a copper wound voice coil while the 728B had aluminum. Also there’s the obvious difference in magnet structure and power handling.
They sure sound very different. The imaging and spatial depth is far better in the 728B, at least in these cabinets. The 754A seemed to beam more. Of course the published specs aren’t much different nor are the dispersion characteristics listed in the WE specs, but the 754A seemed to beam more in my cabinets. It’s almost like the 728B strip out any unnecessary frequencies and things have a nice space and clarity while the thick midrange of the 754A brought certain instruments out front at the expense of this clarity and separation of instruments. At least to my ears.
So, part of me wonders if they had just made the theater speakers earlier, designed using the 754A, if they were just trying to use up stock, or if there was a specific reason to use them instead? The 754A is slightly more efficient by 1db, and it seems to play a bit lower and have more low range frequency happening even if they go to the same rated frequency range according to their literature. (it was hard to be sure if the 754A went lower, but the lows were more filled out).
Perhaps this increase in lows, even at the expense of clarity and spacial clarity between instruments, was the reason they were used in the theater amps.
Regardless. It seems that WE put considerable thought into the new 728B. I prefer the 728B a lot myself. I wish you could compare them and do a write up! I really look forward to your future blog posts.
Jonas Baker
Jonas Baker
KS12027 vs. Altec 32C
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KS12027 horn |
Since my capsule review last year, I learned more about the nature of the KS12027 horn. The KS12027 surpasses the 32C and Azzolina KS12024 in presenting distinctive harmonic overtones from lower frequency instruments like cellos, basses and, believe it or not, even from the tympani. Vocals and acoustic instruments are uncannily real and three dimensional, just as they are with the 728B, albeit scaled to small format horn proportions.
When I compared the Altec 32C to the KS12024, I noted a distinctive "in your room" presence with the latter. This quality is even more prominent in the KS12027, which is another multi-cell type horn.
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Altec 32C horn |
Comparatively, the Altec 32C sounds more laid back than the KS12027. Vocals and lower frequency instruments like cellos and basses had less of the life-like harmonic overtones rendered by the KS12027. High frequency transient speed is also slightly slower. Thus, brushed cymbals and high hat tend to have a splashy quality instead of lightning fast attack and decay coming out of the KS12027.
Although the 32C has the wispy airiness at the extreme top end which the KS12027 wasn't able to match, the addition of the Altec 3000H was not as successful as my previous experiment with the Azzolina KS12024. I think the 3000H can't quite match the transient speed of the KS12027.
I've said it before and would like to emphasize further that the KS12027 is the most natural and real sounding small format horn I've listened to.
Simple Crossover
Since I don't have access to the original WE702A crossover schematic of the WE757A, I made a simple high-pass 1st order crossover hinged at 5kHz and ran the 728B unobstructed. Definitely not optimized, but good enough for me to enjoy the speaker system.
Altec 753C vs. JP's WE757A
All my listening was conducted using the je2a3 mono integrated amp with Hashimoto H203S output transformer, fed by the following sources: Gates CB77/Gray 108B/GE RPX and Neat P58H/Calrad SV16/DL102, Magnavox CDB650 transport > Arcam Delta Black Box DAC.
The Altec 753C is very lush and romantic. It gives a middle of the hall presentation compared to JP's WE757A. Its only advantages over JP's WE757A are: almost an octave more bass extension (albeit with less definition), a couple dB more of efficiency and the wispy airiness in the very extreme top end noted earlier in the 32C/802D pairing.
Typically, components with similar qualities don't complement each other because their virtues cancel out. However, in this particular case, the WE/Altec 728B + KS12027/802D was an utterly cohesive and coherent blend.
JP's WE757A sounded neutral and more analytic in a very musical way. Transients come across crystal clear and clean. Dynamic nuances at macro and micro levels are also much better conveyed. Even if the music is presented closer to the stage with greater detail and resolution, I didn't experience long term fatigue.
In spite of the slightly less bass extension vs. the Altec 753C, definition was better. Due to a tad less efficiency, it can benefit from slightly more power. Perhaps an SE300B amp would've improved bass extension and dynamics further.
The sense of realism from its three dimensional midrange is a result of the life-like harmonic overtones produced by the 728B + KS12027/802D pairing.
The Altec 753C set a very high musical standard but JP's WE757A cabinet remake + Altec 728B + KS12027 horn + Altec 802D is more organic, finer and nobler in stature. It brought me closer to the music!
Now I'm asking myself, how much better would it be with the original WE713C compression driver and the optimized WE702A crossover?
The WE755A, WE756A, WE754A, WE728B, WE753C, WE757A, etc. came from an era when America was at the height of its industrial might. The amount of R&D that went into these transducers will never be equalled. Sadly, these are more appreciated in Asia and Europe.
To add insult to injury, many American audio hobbyists even sneer at these foreigners who pay top dollar for these American-made classics. This gives credence to the saying, "no one is a prophet in their own land."
I’m a newbie to the site, which I’m really enjoying. Can you please let me know what spectrum analyzer app you’re using? Thanks
ReplyDeleteIt's a $5 Octave RTA app for iPhone by Onyx -
DeleteThanks for visiting and happy listening! you're talking! What a great speaker!
ReplyDeleteThe ALTEC branded 728Bs I have seen lack a cloverleaf shaped coating of black tarry damping material on the magnet side of the cone that is one of the mysterious design features of the WE 728B. John’s unit might be a leftover WE with an added ALTEC decal. All in all, nobody can explain why the WE 40's speakers are as distinctive and excellent sounding as they are. They were a fork in the evolution of dynamic speakers that began and ended with this short-lived catalog.
The 754A was indeed used as a bass driver in the two way "L" series Westrex theater systems which were not sold in the US theater market due to legal restrictions. The specimens I know came from Pakistan and Australia. Superficially, they look like 728Bs but looks can be deceiving. WE did not use the 754A in any factory designs that I am aware of so any floating around the US were probably from custom implementations. The L8 and L9 also have a large sealed volume and put out solid LF with a lot of drive and momentum. Good woofers, little known or discussed.
My suspicion is that the 728B was designed to mimic the HF rolloff as a function of distance in auditorium-sized halls. As I told JE when he stopped by, I go to a lot of concerts at Kennedy Center (pre-COVID) and often had the chance to compare podcasts of what I had just heard and a 728B sans tweet sounds remarkably similar to the live event experienced 20 minutes earlier. It is a very realistic sounding device. bearing in mind that hifi presentations generally tend to have more HF energy and aggressive detailing than live performance, leading to a communal valorization of an exciting but fake hyperreality. That’s one thing the 728B taught me. I have tried various tweeters and midrange horns but I like the 728B as a stand alone best for reasons stated….but I do not own game changer 757As.
In the two way 757A, probably the best speaker I ever heard, additional bite and snap are provided by the horn compared with the 728B alone and consequently 757A has more forward projection and close up perspective than the solo 12”. Bear in mind that the 757A was a wall mounted speaker and one could expect perhaps a bit of LF enhancement since it would be radiating in half space. The horn would be on the bottom in wall mount config to provide proper coverage in the listening position.
I have taken a lot of grief for blasting the ALTEC 811 and 511 sectorals on forums. even going so far as to state that they are best used as funnels during an oil change or steampunk urinals, but compared with the earlier KS horns and the WE 32A, they do indeed SUCK! And I say that as a staunch ALTEC lover, mind you. On the other hand they do look a lot cheaper and easier to make than the muticellular KS horns and surely that was a consideration.
JE is spot on when he says that the 40s WE PM gear represents a high point but it gets even weirder when you learn that the WE12A/13A system produced for Vitaphone in 1927 (just in time for "The Jazz Singer," the first talking picture) can quite legitimately be argued to be the best horn speaker of all and that was THE FIRST "High Fidelity' speaker system ever! 757A is arguably the first dedicated studio monitor. So much for the notion of linear progress, an attractive concept but the world is far too complex for such easy simplifications.
Thanks for the honor of visiting my blog! Your knowledge and ears are sorely missed by the audio community. We hope one day we can coax you out of hibernation.
DeleteImmediate delivery! I wish! lovely speakers.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by!👍🏻🍻
DeleteAs they say in the Maltese Falcon - the stuff that dreams are made of . . .
Great classic film noir! These drivers/speakers were probably being developed when that movie was released. Hope all's well. Stay safe!
DeleteSo the 728b are run full range and the 802d is cut off at 5k? Wasn't there some problem with Impedence mismatch the 728b is 4 ohms and the 802 is 8 ohms?
ReplyDeleteIdeally the numbers should match, but where does one find a WE713C compression driver in 2020? Actually the 802Ds are nominally 16 ohms. If I heard a mismatch, I would've have mentioned it in the blog. The point of the JP757A project is to remake one using available parts.
DeleteI see , just wondering due to how different the crossover is from the original at first glance. WE crossed the 728b at 1000hz. Which always had me felling like they serverly under utilized this amazing driver. But if this man is to be believe:
DeleteThe cross over was really complicated. Maybe they slowly rolled of the 728b (less than 3db) above 1000hz till somewhere close to 5khz. Maybe not, a mere mortal like myself can only speculate.
I heard of places that can rewind a 802 to four ohms maybe the owner of the 728b would should look into that. Is this a project you will attempt with the altec 756b you have?
It won't be easy to remake an original WE757A XO, some even speculate that the inductors were hand wound to match each driver, who knows? Since these aren't within the realm of my DIY abilities, I don't over think it. But being a musician, musical satisfaction is very important to me which is why I blogged about JP's 757A project.
DeleteWRT to my single Altec 756B, I listen to it as a full range or with an 8 , 12 or 16 ohm horn tweeter crossed very high. It all depends on my mood. Since I enjoy(ed) JP's 757A and my 756B, with mismatched drivers, I don't see the point in spending $$$s just to get the numbers right. ;)
Wow. Great review. Now you made sure that KS12027 will not available like the present condition of Altec 32C ��
ReplyDeleteActually John Piro is remaking the KS12027. If you want JP's contact info, send me another message with your email address and I'll reply to you directly.
DeleteThanks for dropping by!
Great article! I've been playing with a couple 728b speakers myself. I have the same cabinets as you do in this article but felt they were all lacking...something. I ended up housing the 728b in a Karlson speaker cabinet (original) which was made for a 15'' driver. Really brings out the characteristics of the 728b and adds a lot more bass (which always seemed to be a bit light in the other implementations). I also run it full range and it's a really wonderful sound. I may add a soft dome tweeter with a 1uF cap to manage the crossover point but it sounds really good as is, even though it rolls off at 10k or so. Worth a shot trying this setup if you hand a Karlson cabinet handy.